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IDTA Dance Teachers Salsa Diploma
Posted by Telemark
8/6/2009  1:18:00 AM
A question for anyone, but for Terrence, in particular.

What do we think of the IDTA Dance Teachers Salsa Diploma? I have looked in vain on the 'net for the syllabus, and know very little about it. Any information, or comments would be of interest.
Re: IDTA Dance Teachers Salsa Diploma
Posted by terence2
8/6/2009  9:26:00 AM
its just been completed and is now in book format.
I have not seen a copy.. but.. I.m guessing it follows the same trend as the UKA ( what else is there !! the basics are the basics ).
Im sure it will find its way to the web... and what I think, is of little relevance or consequence ( my views on Latin " B/room " style, are well known )and I doubt it will be of the "street " style..( The UKA has no style preference )The one I,m really interested in seeing is the ISTD version.

" bits" of info..

I,m doing a W/shop in Southport on Oct 3rd..3.4. and 5pm in.. T/Arg....Cha/ Guajira and Salsa con Clave .
These are all foundational hrs and NOT sequence/ routine oriented.. beginners and singles welcome.. for more info.. cubansalsadorset.co.uk/

I will also be posting a short clip on an intro. to Clave, in basics, by sat (7th )
Re: IDTA Dance Teachers Salsa Diploma
Posted by Telemark
8/6/2009  10:01:00 AM
Why do you think the ISTD version will be more interesting?

BTW, I do know that the IDTA Diploma, which was launched in 2007, qualifies candidates for ordinary membership, but being a non-core subject, has restrictions on entering pupils for medal tests etc.

If the IDTA think that I am going to buy the 'technique' book for GBP15, just to read the syllabus, they'll have a long wait. I don't know anything of the author, but judging by the readers comments associated with a past edition, Amazon readers thought it either:

Salsa as taught for 'Ballroom' dancers



One review was complimentary, though, but I'm not encouraged overmuch.
Re: IDTA Dance Teachers Salsa Diploma
Posted by terence2
5/15/2010  11:23:00 PM
The Medal test will eventually come to pass ( just like Disco )

As to the book..have not read or seen it.

I was recently asked on another site ,about my feelings on the B/room worlds entry into the salsa genre , and questioned why I was not conversant with ALL the syllabi of my english Soc. to which I belong.

Simply put.. the syl. I use, is the very foundation of ALL standardised teaching ( in Mambo/Salsa) going back to the 40s ;the basics have never changed, and most of the advanced variations are still being used. The techniques have been honed to some degree, but nothing radical.

The other main consideration, is the lack of long time practical knowledge ( like dancing in latin clubs for many yrs ), that exists within the Soc.

If one is trained in the Intern. style of "Latin ", there is a tendency to retain the ballroom "look".. I know.. I went thru that phase, which took me yrs to rethink the more indigenous concepts of the "street" style approach.

You know what they say about learning a language.. go live in the country and mix with the " natives "...

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